Kinky Japan

Learning calligraphy with big boobs

Calligraphy, when done properly, can be considered art to some people. It’s one of the worlds oldest forms of writing and dates back to as early as the Shang Dynasty […]


Anime, Piano, and Boobs

There are anime fans around the world, that much is true. Many anime fans tend to remember a anime not just for the interesting stories, characters, animation, but the music […]


Interspecies Reviewers manga review

While fantasy isekai manga’s are popular now, we’re going to take a look at pure fantasy with Interspecies Reviewers by amaharateikoku and masha_aq. The manga follows 3 main characters and […]


Japan has a boob shaped town mascot

If you’re even a big interested in Japan you’ve probably come across a Japanese mascot. They represent everything from companies, events, and even towns. One such town is Hikari in […]

Japanese Adult Toys


To quote Captain Kirk from Star Trek: “To boldly go where no man has gone before!” This is what the famous Japanese adult toy maker TENGA is trying to do […]