Middle School Girl caught working in a Hostess Club in Roppongi

Tokyo Metropolitan Police has arrested the former manager of a Hostess Club in Tokyo’s famous Entertainment District Roppongi as TBS news reported on October 11.

Mita San, the former manager who himself is just 21 years old, is accused to have employed a 14 year old Middle School Student from December 2018 to January 2019. What her work in detail contained was not disclosed yet but at the very least also included serving male customers Alcoholic Drinks which is an offense by Japanese Federal Law due to her being Underage.

According to a Tokyo Police Spokesperson, Mita knew that the Girl was just 14 years old but he denied all allegations. Supposingly a Dating App was involved as well by all four suspects to lure interested male customers to a meeting spot who where then guided to the Bar. The specially Young looking Girl seems to have functioned as a Bait to interested men.

21 Year Old Mita being driven into the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Station

This isn’t the first report on these kind of things happening in Japan but as of recent Years, Police and Local Law Enforcement definitely started to come down much harder on Suspects then just a few years ago.