There’s a sex-android unboxing VR porn experience

sex android vr porn

[Sex android] – a robot with a human appearance made with the sole purpose of providing sexual gratification and/or companionship for humans. While sex androids are not available just yet, we appear to be getting closer with some huge improvements in the way sex dolls look, and vast advances made with artificial intelligence in the last couple of decades. 

Until fully functioning sex androids are available though, we will have to make do with regular sex dolls or VR porn experiences. Yes, you read that right, VR porn experiences. Because the Japanese adult video studio, SOD Create, has recently released a VR movie in which you get to unbox and use your very own sex android.

The movie is called: [VR] Robo-Cowgirl KUREA: A Sex Doll With Artificial Intelligence! and it will appeal especially to those who have a robot fetish (yes, it’s a thing). 

After unboxing your sexy android whose name is “Kurea”, she proceeds to do whatever it takes to please her human master – including posing, stroking, sucking and, of course, fucking while wearing her skimpy futuristic “robo-cowgirl” attire.

Kurea also comes complete with a robotic voice, a barcode tattoo for identification purposes, bright blue eyes, and limited emotional expressions for an authentic android-sex experience. 

The movie is 66 minutes long and is shot with cutting-edge VR-recording technology, so you can really enjoy Kurea’s human-like form and her state-of-the-art sexual skills. 

[VR] Robo-Cowgirl KUREA: A Sex Doll With Artificial Intelligence! is available in HD-download and streaming options now at

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