The voice of popular Japanese anime character Chibi Maruko chan, Tarako, had died at the age of 63 her agency announced. After yesterdays sad news of Dragon ball creator Akira Toriyama passing away earlier this month, this is another hit in the guts for all Japan lovers and Anime fans.
Tarako, whos real name never made public, was famous for her husky voice which was a big part of Maruko chan’s charm. Playing the role for 34 years, most of us can’t even imagine how the series could continue with another voice actor.
Before her signature work as Maruko chan, the Gunma Prefecture native Tarako also voiced characters in anime series such as “Mezon Ikkoku” and “Urusei Yatsura” in the 1980s.
Tarako was also a singer-songwriter, actor and narrator for TV programs and will be missed by many. Our thoughts are with her family and loved ones in these days.