Men’s Stroke Masturbation Cream made to enhance fap sessions

Novel adult toymaker Tama Toys are known for making adult items that bring pleasure and relief to thousands of men around the world.

With a vast catalogue of products such as onaholes, lubricants, pillows, crossdressing accessories and even smell-fetish scents, there’s a good chance they have product to fulfil even the most uncommon desires, needs, fetishes or fantasies. 

One such product is the Men’s Stroke 072 Cream that promises to enhance and intensify masturbation sessions. It’s made from a specially developed formula including skin-friendly vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 which is known for helping to generate energy in your cells. The result of this special recipe can result in heightened sensations and a vitalized “strong” erections that will, in turn, result in more pleasurable masturbation, toy use, or even sexual activities with a partner.

Mens Stroke 072

The cream would work especially well for edging and prolonged gooning sessions leading to intense orgams.

Men’s Stroke 072 Cream comes in a convenient 50g tub making application and storage easy. It’s available now from online store for Japanese adult goods – otonaJP. 

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