HOLY COW! CooLP releasing Onahole with SIX Nipples

I am sweating even thinking of this but Japanaese Adult Toy maker today announced a monster themed Onaholes that has 6 Nipples on it.

We are all still speechless at the moment of to what the hell they were thinking but to be honest, we love the idea. Going beyond what man can dream of seems to be there mission and we are super excited to try it out when it releases.

What the heck is wrong with them at Hot Powers? I just want to understand.

Currently it seems that no retailer has it yet but are sure that you can find it at otonaJP as soon as it is available. The name of this beast is ジュボオッパフェラゴン which translates to Jubo Oppa Ferragon.

We surely can’t know if this will be good or not but HELL we can say, get your wallets ready as this is probably a ONCE in a lifetime chance to bang a pocket sized dragon with 6 boobs.

Let us know your thoughts!