In this article: Pornographic Magazines pulled from Japanese Convenience Stores
If you’ve ever visited Japan, you have no doubt visited a convenience (combini) store at some point. You were most-likely also impressed by the vast array of quality products and the something-for-everyone philosophy. In many ways, Japanese combinis are the envy of the world for their convenience and efficiency etc.
Pornographic Magazines in Japanese Convenience Stores
One criticism, however, is the sale of adult magazines, or more specifically, how they are displayed. In many other countries, pornographic items are covered and stored on higher shelves.
In Japan, they are uncovered and usually displayed at eye level, where everybody (including children) can see them. They are rarely even separated from other magazine genres such as manga, and other non-adult publications.
The only measure they do seem to take is a small warning sign that says something like (minors are not permitted to buy or read these magazines). Probably not enough in many people’s eyes.
As of August 2019, 7-Eleven, Lawson and Family Mart have removed adult magazines from shelves.
This new approach has been met with mostly positive reactions from customers and shop owners. According to the convenience stores’ statements, the move is intended to “make it easier for women and children to visit stores and prevent inbound (foreign) visitors from getting a bad impression in advance of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.”
7-Eleven and Lawson have pulled pornographic and adult magazines from all of their stores, corporate, and franchise-owned.
Family Mart, however, has currently only removed adult content from corporate-owned stores and left the decision in the hands of franchise owners if they wish to follow suit.
The question that remains to be answered though, is will this trend continue after the Olympics? Or will it be back to usual business practices after the foreigners have left?
Who knows, Japan is Japan, after all, and as we have seen in the past, they are often adverse to change. Whether, that’s a good thing or bad thing in this case, we will let you decide.
Japanese Convenience Stores Pull Pornographic Magazines From Shelves